Friday, January 18, 2008

In my opinion, the best part of the best day of the week.
Friday is my recovery day on(off) the bike, I sleep in late, I wake up and laze around, surf the internet, drink coffee, etc. Essentally, a day in the art of being lazy.

One interesting thing I came across this morning on was a interview with a chap name Greg Bennett. As I recall, he and his wife both won the HY-VEE triathlon in Des Moines. He said something that was kind of disturbing. He said that he though that the training he and his wife were doing was infact so special, that he perfered not to share it during an interview, or with anyone for that matter. That is probably the most nieve statement that I have ever heard. Apparently, he and his wife have come across the ancient training methods of shao linn monks, or something.

Although I don't share this fact with anyone, I have a degree in exercise science. Usually, people are content in doing their "own thing" or "benching 300lbs" and that is fine. They don't bother me and I don't bother them. Sometimes, people come to me for exercise and training advise, and I am happy to share with them. In fact, I have even written year long training programs. And as Grandpa Kim once said,"There is not special plan. It is all right there on two sheets of paper. If anyone wants it I would be happy to share it with them. The closer they come to completing the plan, the closer you get to success in the sport."

Sporting career: 2000. In my former years, I was a wrestler. Good, not great. but a wrestler none the less. I once wrestled a 152lb wrestler from Emmetsburg. He was rated #1 in the state and had place 2nd the year previous. I was rated #5. I had seperated two ribs and had to wrestle with a series of tapings and wraps around my sternum, as any straign was excruciating. It was also reported that he had a slipped disc in his back. We wrestled, I won in overtime by one point.

We again met in the state tournament, and he beat me 6-4 en route to another 2nd place finish that year and a 1st place finish then next year. That was the toughest athletic competition in my life. We both hobbled off the mat, and when we saw each other below Vets auditorium, to give each other our acolades, neither of us could stand upright. The competition was a benchmark for me for this reason; we were both mended from our injuries and did not want to concede that we had been bested/or had beaten a limp opponent.

The point of this anicdote Greg, is that you can keep you secret training plan. We don't want it. If you and your wife are so insecure with your fitness that you have to hide your plan from people so your competition doesn't get fast, fine. However, I personally, always want the most fit opponent to show up, because if is it really a chess match if your opponent doesn't have a queen with which to start.

1 comment:

the mostly reverend said...

further evidence that most tri-geeks are fucking nuts.