Monday, December 17, 2007

Weekend Warriors

This weekend was a blur. Landen had Thur/Fri off, Ian came into town, and I am officially on holiday. Saturday, Dave Rogers, Landen, and Lindsey came over for a training ride. The great thing about indoor training rides is that everyone can do their own thing to get better, and there is never that half wheel BS that always happens outdoors. I had four hours to do, Landen had some LT work, and dave is on the poached training plan from landen (he also did LT work).

Note: It is alway rather enjoyable to watch people's facial expressions during workouts. Try this sometime when you are on an indoor endurance ride and someone is doing prescribed effort. I knew landen was suffering because of the wattage he was running for his efforts, but he looked controlled, calm, and on top of the workout. Dave on the other hand, did not have a power tap, did not look calm, and probably ended up doing VO2max intervals based on various observations (his hyperventilating).

Following the ride and a brief nap, we went to sushi happy hour at BLUE. Every time Ian comes to town, we go to BLUE. Lets get one thing straight, I like BLUE. I more so enjoy their sashimi offering, but I still like BLUE. I guess I just go to see friends and not really for the food... every time Ian comes to town. Following blue we went to Bianco (italian resturant) for their happy hour. I know what your are thinking, why not just go to one resturant, get a filling meal, and be done with it? I have know idea. I am never the sheriff of these plans. Maybe next time I will suggest it. It was good, however, to see Jacquline, Marco, Marco(jr), Leila, and Spence.

Awoke and began the day by making coffee, eggs, and french toast for everyone. Oh, everyone being: Ian, Marco, Landen, Lindsey, Marie Anna, Dave, me. If my math serve me right we probably accumulated 25+ hours of training. With all the great cyclist we had over, we actually had a some world championship stripes in our presence. Marie Anna is 2X age group Ironman world Champion(this year will be three if she sticks to coming over on the weekends).
Following my 4:30 ride, I tried to nap for the same amount of time. I did not. I only got 2:30 nap in. Finished the night with I am Legend at the theater(great flick).

Thus, concludes my weekend. For whom it may concern, I am going to travel to the Orphanage today. I will be making Pav Thai. As far as I am concern you are all invited(I hope). As a great friend once said, "The vacancy sign is alway on" at my place for training.

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