Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Harry Potter ride

Following yesterday's clinic session, I grabbed some fourth meal, rented the order of the phoenix, and had myself a good little 3 hour indoor ride. When I returned home, I saw some man clad in sweat pants head to toe; I knew this must be Spence. I offered him a spot on the "Order of the Phoenix" training ride, he declined. Apparently, he is not the Harry Potter fan most of you all are.

Thoughts on the video... I sympathized with the students of Hoggwarts. We have the same type of education tyranny afoot at CUMC, minus the whole magic thing*

*Although I have never seen any form of spell, incantation, or potion at school, I do not discount its happening under my nose. Why just the other day, a instructor advised me to summon a razor and shave my half-beard. I did not know the spell he asked for; alas, I still have my facial hair.

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