Monday, September 29, 2008

Or the fruit, durian. Read about it here. It seamed like a good idea to purchase said fruit from perhaps the largest Asian market ever (in Charleston). What ensued was not pleasant.

If you have read the wiki result for the durian, or as I like to call it "devil fruit". This fruit looks like the head of a mace taken from the middle ages and plopped down on your kitchen table. I has small spikes and horns, which is likely foreshadowing of how ones taste buds will feel following consumption.

The durian was described as tasting of custard strongly reminiscent of almonds. That sounds nice. The durian, however, is not nice. Thank that source very much, however sub "custard" with the word "Limburger cheese" and "almonds" with a "faint hint of poison", then this reference is correct.

Below is a picture of the durian. Try if your dare. But don't say I didn't warn you.


brady said...

Singaporeans love that stanky fruit. Me? No thanks.

That was gutsy of you to try it.

Matthew Pavlovich said...

misinformation my friend. Misinformation. I was told they were delicious.

Unknown said...

Are you in Charleston? I'll be out there in 2-3 weeks. Let me know if there's good eats and/or rides (other than Pearlz, it's now on the list).