Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Elkhart la fin

I just tuned in to the most recent post here. Found out that I placed second in the time trial series, behind lipold. Congrats dave. Hopefully, there is some cash for the second place. I'm in the red right now.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Congrats on placing! Way to make your mark on the IA cycling scene!

Nice to hear from you- congrats on securing a position in Eugene. How exciting! I can't wait to hear all about it.

You will need to do some granola recipe recon for me there (it is the birthplace of 'my' granola recipe). For what its worth, I have found a pub with a good mac'n'cheese here- but not as good as mine. :) They did serve it with a soft, yummy, warm, homemade pretzel which surely put the seal of assurance on a gut bomb, but was a nice compliment to the dish to lap up the leftover cheese. I am hoping to scout out the best bowl of mac in this cheese emporium of a town, which may take a while, but I am up for a good challenge.

I have a b-day (belated) gift for you, but don't know where to send it since you are doing the 'Carmen SanDiego' thing. Let me know. No hurries.

I hope that all is well- I can't wait to hear how your travels have been going.