Saturday, August 4, 2007

Things that grind my gears

Below is a list of things that grind my gears -
2.People talking about (fantasy) football
3.Charles Cityites cohering me to move back to a "great place"
4.Vegans -apparently they don't even eat honey...weird
5.Parents bringing there children to an adult barbecue...taken aback when inevitably, lurid stories surface.
6.Life cereal - where do you get off...taste great and good for you...where do you get off


morgetron said...

Seriously? *Children* grind your gears? Really?
I get the parents bringing kids to bbq ... but children in general? Wow.


Laura Schmitt Photography said...

Cinnamon Life cereal is, in fact, my ultimate-all-time favorite cereal. I think we will have to agree to disagree.