Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Proof in the pudding

That I am not a complete moral and social drain on this society. Yes, that is what you think it is.... Those are 50 dozen toothbrushes for orphans in Jamaica.
Got those the other day for my sister's mission trip to the orphanage. Who's awesome now?


bryan said...

who's awesome now? that pink bike rack, of course.

Lindsey said...

Does this mean 50 dozen instructions on Charter's method? Very impressive.

the mostly reverend said...

that's a very sweet red scooter you've got; graduation gift, or going to the orphans in jamaica?

the mostly reverend said...

by the way, would you ask that sainted sister of yours to bring back some of that hemp-flavored floss they make down there, please?

mint just ain't cutting it anymore.

Laura Schmitt Photography said...

So unrelated to this at all. When will you be in wisconsin? Sorry we didn't meet up at the 4th... I was a little out of it. let me know1

Unknown said...

that IS a sweet pink bike rack! oral cares are very important... hemp-flava floss for everyone.