Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sauce Demi Glace

A demi glace is a reduction made of equal parts sauce espangole and veal stock/veal reduction. I had everything in line to perfect this culinary treat that goes with a nice steak. I roasted my mirapioux, mushrooms, and beef bones. Then add water, veal stock, tomato paste, rosmary, thyme, and let the flavors get together, for 6-8 hours.

Things were going great, I was two hours into the process, and needed to step out to eat sushi with friends Randy and Greg. MY though process was a follows: put the stock on low, step out and eat, come back, finish stock. I came back to no stock, dried up burnt bones, and the inability to proceed with the demi glace process. Woops.


Lindsey said...

bummer about the demi glace- have you been reading "Joy of Cooking" again?

Anonymous said...

Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

- Daniel