Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fort Collins/Denver/Boulder

I arrived in the RM state In Fort Collins and went out with Ian, Jared, Matt, and Rob. We had some beers and were one of many groups commuting around on a friday night.

On saturday, Amanda took me on a ride up to Horse tooth reservoir. It was nice to get to know her a little more and hear her story. P.S. She dropped me.

On sunday Marco, Dave, and I went up to Greenwood on the bikes from golden. Muy climbing today. I felt way better here than I did at Puerto Rico. My theory is that the climbs here are more steady, one can get into a rythem, whereas PR gradient was widely varied.

More to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I don't read blogs... ever... but tonight I am in Scottsbluff, hanging with friends and they went to bed super early. Well, it's 11:45 pm and I have a full glass of Scotch... it's time to check blogs.

Anyway, I think your story doesn't do Fort Collins justice, as that night was as much a Tucker Max story as it was the "calm night on the town" that you portrayed.

Lock it up! We were out until 2 am and you didn't even come home! Let's be honest, you stayed with a chick that is, well, not hot. We had sayings like "give me your f-ing fries!" (Robbie) and "more shots... MORE SHOTS!" (Ian/me).

Anyway, the night was epic. For the love of God, Jarred crashed his bike ridin 10 blocks home, was so messed up that after breaking his derailer hanger, he went home and with soon to be scabbed cuts, bloodied his sheets... he remembers none of it.

Okay... enough said... FC is all taht and a bag of chips... or fries if you like.