Thursday, July 31, 2008

Iowa City

I have been in Iowa City for three Days now. I am studying for my last Board. I know, kind of late... But better later than...whatever.

I went out with Kpav the last two days. And then yesterday with Lindsey Wetzel.

Last night I had Pizza with Bailey, and get this...I have been off the sauce for 5 days!

Tonight Lindsey ad I are going to roll out with the Thursday night ride, spin the legs, and then go carb load at Kristin's house. The State RR is Saturday, and it is a 1,2,3 field. Oh, it is also 108 miles.

Luckily, I road the course, via ragby, and it is going to be good. Good you ask? 12-15 climbs .4-.9 miles. Per lap. I need to go on a diet.

Hung out with Chris and Kristin Last night. We watch a movie and at Golden Grahams.

Below are two pictures... titled broken dreams

Ragby 2008 a recap

The Ragby elders have spoken, and decided... This was the best Ragby ever. Hung out with many short bus folks, some trouser mice, BTY, KP5000, Pirates, ran with the bulls, shit... this week was awesome.

Started the 43 hour on the bike/10 day journey at the Orphanage in Des Moines. KP5000, Kim, and I did a wet 90 into Harlan... I mean Atlantic, where we munched on Chips and tamales, and Replenished the NACL with Margaritas. Later that night, Kim Fell asleep, so Kristin and I went to see the Dark Knight. Best Batman movie ever.

Next up a 67 mile day into Missouri Valley. Hot, muggy, and lots of hills. Ragby was lucky it did not choose our rout into MV. Nary a flat section... This day had more climbing than a amalgamation of all the hilly stretches this year on ragby.

The next day was Turkey day, or Diaz El Toro. Brendon dressed up and painted himself as a bull. We all wore white and red. A fun 65 all and all.

The century Take one. I road with Kim, Kristin, Flava Dave, Mark, and Chris. Things slit up and Dave, Mark, and I took some quality pulls en route to the hundee. We even managed to cook some turkeys on the way! I ended up first in town and road around trying to find larry and the short buss. Little did I know, Larry had a mechanical and also got a ticket from some federale. 105 total miles.

The next couple days kind of blend into one. Vong went to the Hospital/met ups with Fiona and Erica(australians living in BC and Corvalis)/heckling on the hill/riding/more riding/riding Kim's bike with the burley for a beer run with Fry-guy/Coffee/ice cream/and beer, lots of beer. I even got a preview of the state rr course on the way to tipton.

65,81,76,100 and 60 mile days. Nice. All said, 729 miles of the stuff. pictures to come

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Proof in the pudding

That I am not a complete moral and social drain on this society. Yes, that is what you think it is.... Those are 50 dozen toothbrushes for orphans in Jamaica.
Got those the other day for my sister's mission trip to the orphanage. Who's awesome now?

Monday, July 7, 2008

Ragby Training Camp

Many of you may be kicking out century after century trying to sharped your sword for this years ragby. I can say that I havn't done my fair share of ragby centuries, but today I really got my training into full swing with this:

Fatness test

Did a Fatness test yesterday and friday. The proof is in the pudding; I am not as fit as any pro cyclist... but I did beat my old previous bests. Also of note, my heart, much like the grinches, grew three sizes(beats) yesterday. New max hr 185.

71.81 kg
20 min - 323 w
5 min - 396 w
1 min - 560 w.

These new numbers may have been due to the new wonder drug that I consumed, en nauseum over the forth of july... We grilled a whole hog, 220 lbs to be exact. I ate most of it. I can only assume that the new form was from pork loading.