Sunday, March 23, 2008

And then their were two

Six days have elapsed since I haven't ridden (a road bike). I sold that bike, you see, and have been rolling around on my TT rig. Which would be great if there were any time trials around the corner, but there really isn't. As one could imagine, I am getting pretty sore. That isn't really a position man was ment to ride 15 hour in a week.

I road with Dave Rogers today. I couldn't get ahold of Spence or Landen, hence the blog title. We went out to see the palace he is building by Blair/Ft Calhoun. Awesome. Although we didn't get Dave Lippold miles in today, we still had a great, long day in the saddle.

I called a good friend and made arrangements for the Altoona RR/Big creek RR weekend. Team Kaos is bringing 6 over. It should be a good weekend.


Thursday, March 20, 2008


-Went to the shop to pic up some stuff I ordered.

-Saw Bryan, Chris, and Jack at shop. They too were spending money they didn't have on bike stuff.

- Talked to Kingsberry via mobile phone. Apparently, he hates school at Veturbo. He started a cycling team and ordered skinsuits. I told him to order me one. He said the team was 6 short. I told him to order me three. If any of you need a black skinsuit with an green alien on it, let me know.

-Did not make the shop ride because dentistry went long, again. I instead, road with Landen. We went up north to NP dodge park. He talked about his fitness test yesterday. I am probably going to the Jose Gonzalez show tonight at the slowdown

-Went over to Dave Rogers house to pick up some shoes. He ordered the shimano shoes one size to big. He bought new ones from the shop, and I took those big shoes off his hands.

-Watched dave ride for an hour. I read Velonews, Drank a beer, and watched Hell of the North.

All and All, a good day.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Race Sched

Here is the long awaited and overdue schedule for the spring/summer. Notice not only the races, but the amount of weddings I have this summer. Enjoy.

April 5-6 Altoona RR/Big Creek RR
April 10 Elkhart TT
April 11-13 Western Regional National Boards (WREBS).
April 21 Chad Wendel Wedding
April 26-27 IC weekend
May 8 Elkhart TT
May 10 Graduation from Dental School
May 17 Nebraska State TT
May 24 Snake Ally Business
June 7 Anne Rottinghaus Wedding
June 12-14 Las Vegas for Olympic Wrestling trials
June 21-22 Ft Collins cycling festival
June 28 michelle Wilk wedding
July 11-14 Cascade Classic or Dave Babcock Memorial Stage race (job dependant)
July 20-27 ragbrai
August 2,3 High Desert Omnium (job dependant)
August 11 KC weekend
August 16 Boulder Roubaix
August 17 North Boulder Park Crit
August 29 Eugene Celebration (job dependant)
August 30 Santa Fe stage race Lamar CO

If I am forgetting anything, let me know

The Management

Monday, March 17, 2008

My friends

I have alway been fortunate to associate with some cool dudes in my day. Landen, Ian, Rev, KP5000, Dave R, Dave Baxter, Sketty, Tango, etc.
Two people were very instrumental in getting me started with bike racing. One was my friend Tim. he took me to my first crit... where I crashed and broke my hand.

That is him sandwiched between Levi and Scott. He had a hell of a race and beat Scott, and only finishing second fiddle to levi. Congrats.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I got an opportunity to enjoy some good riding with some good folk this weekend. This morning, I awoke and quickly made my way to Scooters coffee on 120th and blondo to meet



and Dave

for a ride. The adgenda was that of non-seriousness and recolection, talking about the going away party that we went to last night.

You see, Marco is moving to Denver next week, and this may be the last time I get to enjoy his company on the roads circum-omaha. Be that as it may, he had better get ready for me in the area once I graduate in May. I am an avid couch surfer and I love the rockies.

Thanks for all your advise, wisdom, and the laughs etc...

The Management

Saturday, March 15, 2008

George Washington

I started watching Brad Neely's work one year ago. I watched his entire catalogue of cartoons ad nasuim, and then forgot about him. Sorry, Brad. His most notable work thus far include a cartoon rap about George Washington and Cartoon about two college educators apply named the Professor Brothers.

Here are two my personal favorites. These are a bit edgy, so don't watch if you are easily offended. Click on the Neely hyperlink to get his full catalogue.

1. George Washington
2.History Lesson

Rev, I think you will like this one...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Awareness Test

Watch This

My good friend happened across this advetisement.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

One thing that was missing from omaha

Can you guess what it is? A Bike COOP. An acquantance of mine, Emrick Brown planned for this to go down almost 1.5 years ago. Thanks to all his hard work, we now have a bike COOP in omaha.

Come one, come all, to the open house 5-7pm this Saturday March 15th. The bike COOP is located on 33th and california, right next to california tacos and more. Come celebrate with food and drink and see the new place we can truely call home.

Small world

I finally got home from bend, slept 12 hours to erase car ride fatigue, and then the obvious thing to do sunday afternoon was go riding. I went up to ft calhoun, around, and back. On the way back, I happened upon a rider. He was riding along on a green 1990's giant, cold weather parka, and cloths pins attached to his pants.

Instead of rolling along, I decided to see what he was up too. I later found out that he was training for a century ride. He was planning to ride to York, NE to help his best friend set up a new bathroom. Upon later inquiry, I found out that he was originally from argentina. In So. America, cloths pins aid commuter businessmen to keep their pants clean from the drive-side bracket. I wish I lived in Argentina. He said he had been out for 5 hour on sunday. That trumps my 3.5 hrs.

Third random fact, he went to grace university and roomed with my neighbor from Charles City, Nathan Kooyman.

Funny what you learn when you slow down and talk to someone who is enjoying the road with you. John Wright, it was nice to meet you

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dear Nebraska and Iowa,

get your stuff together. Meet, call each other, or whatever. Just don't schedule races on the same day and then wonder why your turnout is half what you thought it would be.

Case 1 - the Dave Babcock Memorial stage race and Blue Booze and Barbeque weekend in Clear Lake. Both, from what I gather are great races. July 12

Case 2 - Race formally known as the Lincoln Plating (Spring Classic) and Finchford Roubaix. April 13.

Yes, I understand that not all races can be coordinated for separate weekends. But the there are 4 weekends in May that are free. Use them. A little communication and we would all be racing these weekend and not twiddling thumbs in the month of may.


The management.

20 things I did on Spring Break

-Experienced 81 degree weather in Ogalala
-Experienced 20 degree weather plus winter snow advisory in Boulder, Co next day
-Got food poisoning at the Med in Boulder, Co
-Saw Maria, Dave, Katlyn, and Kelli

-Stayed at the foot of snowbird ski resort in Castle Egbert
-interview for dental job

-road bachelor, skyline, aubrey butte, flagstaff
-Played shoot the box at JC's - Lindsey took all my money
-Ran out of gas

-Stayed in palace on aubrey butte
-at dinner in a church
-drove 50+ hours in the car.
Ok so that is only 12. I ran out of time or attention. Whatever. enjoy.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Lost time

I have lost time and realized that I haven't written a blog in over a week. A lot has happen this week- Boulder, Salt Lake City, Boise, Bend and now the Hampton Inn in Rock Springs.

A quick word of thanks to the 600+ people that have visited my blog!

As you may know, I had an interview and also looked at buying a practice in Bend. More to come about that, but I cased every road in Bend for team Kaos for the CCC. Skyliner Road, Piolet Butte, Mount Bachelor there all still there and are ready to tear our legs off.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Rope-A-Dope

Many sports fan remember the rope-a-dope to be a specific pugilistic style where Mohommad Ali bested George Forman in their famous fight in South Africa. Well, the rope-a-dope I am talking about has nothing to do with boxing and more to do with the temperature change we have seen on our spring break.

Lindsey and I left the greater Omaha area Saturday morning being ushered out with 50 degree weather. The more westward we drove the higher the temperature rose. 50..63..69..78... In Ogala, NE the temperature climbed to 81. Crazy. We arrived in Boulder Saturday night and were quickly greated by Maria, Dave, KK, and Kelli. After offerings of food and drink, we went to bed fully expecting to ride outdoors with more warm weather. Bam! Rope-a-dope. I quickly woke and walked down stairs to hear Maria confirm,"Well, the weren't wrong about the weather." It had dropped 50 degrees, snowed 3 inches, and hit us off guard with a large left hook.

Now we are trying to decide which corse of action we need to take... Ride indoors, X/C ski or a combination plate of the two following.